17 Unique Ways to Make Money Helping Others in 2023

Many people make a living lending their time, skills, and talents to others. Whether you’re an expert in a particular field or just have good “people skills,” there’s a good chance that you can make money helping people.

Here are some of the most common ways that people help others and how you can get started:

How to make money helping others

Become a Tutor

If you have special knowledge, like one specific subject in school, or a hobby you’re very good at, consider becoming a tutor. Tutoring is an excellent way to meet new people, make money, and help people in need.

Become a Personal Trainer

Becoming a personal trainer can be a great way to earn money and help people. Personal training is all about helping people meet their health and fitness goals.

Some people are inspired to work out and become healthier but lack the motivation to make it happen.  Others need some structure and guidance to help them meet their goals. Personal trainers help people in both of these situations.

Get a Job at an Organization

If you have a good GPA and some previous experience, consider working for an organization that helps people. Going to work for a charity or non-profit can be fun and rewarding.  This is a great way to help people and get paid for it.

Teach English Online

If English is your native language and you like helping others, then teaching English online may be for you.

Many people worldwide want to learn English but don’t have easy access to an English speaker. You can teach them English online from anywhere in the world and make great money.

Create Online Classes That Teach People How to Do Something

Many people need help with a particular skill, hobby, or interest.  You can create online classes, videos, or webinars that teach others how to do something. These can be about anything from writing, to photography, to music, or anything else.

Help People Find a Job

If you have some experience, why not help people find jobs? There are many different options here. You could post ads on job boards that help people find a job, or you could go around to local businesses and say, “I can help you get more applicants. Just email me your job openings, and I’ll post them for you online.”  This can be a very profitable way to help people.

Be a Dating Coach and Help People Find Love

Are you good with people?  Maybe you’re a great listener or have a knack for knowing what someone needs to make them happy. Either way, there is plenty of money in the dating coaching industry.  You can set up your own website and help people find love online.

Even if you don’t consider yourself a dating or relationship expert, many people need help finding love. You can help them even if you’ve never been in a relationship yourself.  Just like in any other business, you can learn from what others are doing and then start your own thing.

Be a Personal Shopper

Most people don’t realize that there is a massive market for personal shoppers.  Many people are not very good at shopping for items on their own.  They may not know what they want or even how to find the best deals. Worse yet, they might not be able to go to the store due to their age or disability.

Personal shoppers provide a valuable service to the people who need it. You can help them find what they want and get it delivered to their doorstep. In the process, you can help people save money and get things for them faster.

Help People with Their Taxes

Tax preparation is another example of a service that people need.  You can be a tax preparer and help people with their taxes. This means knowing tax laws and a good understanding of how to read financial documents.  You can even charge extra if you write up financial reports for your customers.

Help Others with Their Finances

Financially, people are in a tough spot these days.  They’re struggling to pay their bills and make ends meet.  You can help them figure out what they should be saving for or how to spend their money more wisely.  In the end, they’ll have more money.

Care for Pets and Take Them for Walks

Many people love animals.  But, caring for a pet can be time-consuming and stressful at times.  You could help people care for their pets better by giving pet sitting or dog walking services.  This could be something you do part-time or even full-time.

Every pet needs attention, and they need to get outside too. With a dog walker, people get more time with their pets. Most people don’t spend enough time with their pets. This can be a great way to be around them and help them out.

Become a Social Media Manager for a Non-Profit Organization

Using social media is an important way for people to connect with others and get their message out. You can help non-profit organizations use social media in the right way to reach more people.

Just like for any other company, an effective social media presence is essential for non-profit organizations. Many non-profits are overwhelmed and don’t have the resources to keep up with social media. They need help.  You can be that person who helps them.

Get Paid for Giving Advice Online

You can give online advice or be a consultant on any topic that you’re an expert in.  People are always looking for advice on personal finance, home repair/maintenance, health, and many other topics.  You can help them by giving advice or doing consulting work.

This will require you to have a website so that people can contact you. You’ll need a portfolio or blog to demonstrate your expertise.

Help People Learn to Cook

If you’re a good cook, you can help people learn to do the same.  Many people have trouble figuring out what to cook, and they don’t know how to make it taste good. They might not have the cooking skills needed either.

You can help them learn these things and build up their cooking skills.  For example, you could help them figure out how to cook healthy meals or plan a menu for the week. You could even teach them how to make a few family favorites.

You can help people with their cooking skills in person or online through e-courses and a website.

Help People Learn How to Invest

Many people have money they want to invest but don’t know what to do with it.  They don’t have the skills or knowledge needed.

You can help them learn how to invest by teaching them about the stock market and bonds.  You can also help them to learn about other types of investments.  If you’re an expert on personal finance, real estate investing, or have experience in this area; this is a great way to share that knowledge with other people.

Be a Live-in Caregiver for a Senior Citizen

If you like working with seniors and live near an area with a significant senior population, this could be a great way to make money.  It’s called becoming a Live-in Caregiver. You’ll provide care for seniors in their home.

You can get trained to do this type of work and receive a certificate program.  You’ll learn about the caregiving tasks involved and much more. You will likely need a license, but there are several options available for getting that.

Start a Clothes Washing Business

Everyone wears clothes, but not everyone can wash them. It may be tough for people with disabilities or older people.

If you have the time, energy, and motivation, this could be a great side business idea. Helping people wash their clothes will make them very happy, and they will likely come back again. This could be a great way to build your customer base, and it’s also very helpful.

If you can’t wash clothes yourself, find other people that can help you and pay them to wash clothes for your clients. You can even use the washers and dryers at laundromats if you don’t have them at home.

Clothes washing is a business that you can start with very little overhead or investment. You can use the money you earn to invest in your business and buy advertising to get the word out.


You can make money in a lot of different ways while helping people. These are just a few examples. There are also many ways you can help people online, such as teaching a course that will benefit them somehow.

No matter how you make money, it’s all about helping people, and they will notice that.  When you help people, they are more willing to give you money than selling your product or service to make a profit.  They will naturally be more inclined to pay you for the time and effort that you are putting into it.

All you have to do is find out how to help people and how to market yourself.  You’ll be surprised at how many people you can help and how much more money you’ll make in the long run.

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