11 Best Beta Testing Sites | Get Paid to Test Websites, Apps & Games

Want to get paid for beta testing sites, apps, and games? In the past, beta testers were primarily employed by software and hardware companies that relied on feedback from other testers to improve the quality of their products.

But times are a-changing. Big companies no longer need to pay the salaries of a few hundred testers to test their software and hardware products, so they have begun hiring others to do the job. That’s where you come in.

Everyone reading this can become make money beta testing sites and other software, regardless of their technical skills. You only need to be able to use an app or software and convey your experience with it.

How do you get started? The first step is to join a beta testing site and set up your profile. Don’t know where to start? Here are the best beta testing sites to sign up with.

11 best beta testing sites

1. Pinecone Research

Pinecone Research is a little different than the rest. You won’t be using apps or software but testing out physical products for them. This could be a new kitchen gadget, snack food, household cleaning product, or anything else consumers use every day.

Pinecone Research is a well-known market research company that employs thousands of people to test out products for them.

One of the main reasons they are so popular is because they pay their test subjects directly and provide them with free products to test out for themselves.

2. UserTesting

UserTesting focuses primarily on having beta testers use websites to see if there are any problems with them. After signing up, they’ll send you an invitation to test a specific website. It will take you about five minutes, and they do this to ensure that you’re fully aware of what is required to test a site.

UserTesting is easy to get started with, and their testing process is very straightforward. If you pass the test, you’ll be well on your way to testing sites for them. This work is essential because you will help businesses find flaws with their site and help them improve the user experience.

3. Beta Family

Beta Family is for iPhone and Android users to test apps for major app developers. This is an easy test to do because you’ll be given a task that needs to be completed. You are not required to have a technical background to become a beta tester with them.

The only requirement is that you have a smartphone and be able to download apps from their website. You’ll be testing them for stability and functionality. After you’re done, your performance will be rated, and then you’ll move onto the other app.

Appl creators used companies like Beta Family to make sure their apps are ready for prime time before they’re released. As a result, the apps you’ll be testing out can range from games to social media and even productivity apps.

4. Betabound

Betabound works with some of the biggest companies on the internet. They pay you in prizes or gift cards. The good news is that you don’t need any technical experience to do beta testing with Betabound.

Your work will go a long way in helping companies test their apps, software, and sites. You’ll also get to help improve some of the most popular sites on the internet.

You aren’t paid in cash, but gift cards are just as good. You can redeem your gift cards for just about anything you need, and let’s not forget that you’ll also receive prizes from time to time.

5. BetaTesting

To participate in BetaTesting, you must be at least 18 years old, fluent in English, and have specific devices to perform tests on. If you meet the requirements, you can test apps and software for them.

You will be paid between $10 and $20 per test. That’s quite a bit of money, and it’s why many people flock to BetaTesting.

Those of you who have many devices should consider BetaTesting because it will give you more opportunities to perform tests for them. If you have only one device, it’s best to consider other companies that aren’t focused on the types of device you’re using.

6. AppCoiner

AppCoiner pays you to test various apps on your smartphone or tablet. The best part of it all is they pay you in cash. They always offer a cash reward for each test you do, so be sure always to check your account.

Your job will be to test apps and provide feedback about them. This is great because you’ll be able to tell them what you like and don’t like about an app. It’s also a chance for you to become an app tester in your spare time and earn some money.

7. Vindale Research

Vindale Research is famous for paying well. They’ll pay you $2 just to sign up. After that, Vindale Research pays up to $50 for every product you test or survey that you take. That’s a nice chunk of change, and it only gets better as you work with them.

It’s worth signing up to Vindale Research to see if you qualify. If you do, pay close attention to your inbox because you’ll want to pounce the very second they send something your way to test.

Any company would rarely pay as much as Vindale Research does, so that’s why you want to treat them like gold. If you’re accepted, and they send you tasks to complete, you are one of the lucky people who will get handsomely rewarded for your time.

8. Bananatic

Bananatic is for those who like to play games. You will only be testing games at Bananatic. You’ll get paid in bananas that you can redeem for prizes and gift cards. You don’t need to be a gamer to take advantage of this offer.

If you’re the type of person who likes to sit around all day playing online video games, Bananatic is something you should check into. They are not only willing to pay you to play games but also provide you with high-quality entertainment.

9. Tester Work

Tester Work boasts of their beta testers working with companies such as Facebook, Microsoft, and even Google. This means that if you’re accepted and work for them, there’s a good chance you’ll be doing work for some of the most popular sites on the web.

Tester Work brags of having 50,000 beta testers all over the world. If you’re accepted and work at Tester Work, you’ll be able to do tests for them from a mobile device, tablet, or desktop.

10. Game-Testers.net

Game-Testers.net will pay you between $50-$150 to test video games for them and write honest reviews. That’s some pretty sweet money for doing nothing but playing video games. Whether you’re a casual gamer or the next big video game champion, you can surely earn some cash by participating in Game-Testers.net’s program.

You will be able to do things such as testing new games for glitches and bugs and getting free games from them. It doesn’t cost you anything to play these games, and you can have a ton of fun in the process.

Who ever thought that it would be possible to earn money playing video games? You’ll do just that if you join and are accepted by Game-Testers.net.

11. TryMyUI

You’ll get paid $10 to test sites using TryMyUI. The catch is, you must record your screen while testing and verbally talk about what you’re experiencing. Each testing session will take about 20 minutes.

TryMyUI goes to great lengths to prove the people they’re paying are actually testing out the sites or apps. If you’re only looking to make a quick buck, then TryMyUI isn’t the company for you.

If you want to make sure you’re truly testing out different things and doing as good of a job as possible, then TryMyUI is probably a better option. The pay isn’t bad for 20 minutes of work, and who knows, maybe you’ll get several testing gigs per month.

Why do companies hire beta testers?

If you’re wondering why companies hire beta testers, you have to understand how they operate. Most companies are hiring testers because they want feedback on their products or services.

They want to know about the good and bad things users experience while using their products or services. It’s not enough to see if their products or services work correctly; they also want to know if there’s a better way of doing something they already have in place.

Get paid for beta testing sites: The bottom line

Beta testing is a great way to make money, and it’s definitely something worth looking into if you’re interested. As you can see, there are quite a few options available for being a beta tester.

If you’re looking to be a beta tester, then there are two ways you can go about it, either by signing up for their mailing list or applying online. You’ll find companies have different ways of accepting beta testers, but they almost always operate the same way.

Take time to check out each company and find the one that fits your needs. It’s best to know the different companies before signing up and testing so you’ll have an idea of what will suit your needs and what won’t.

Once you’ve figured that out, then it’s time for you to sign up for the beta testing jobs and start making money. There will always be a need for beta testers, and that means you’ll always have a means of turning this into a lucrative side hustle.

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