Sell Clothes for Cash – 13 Best Places to Sell Vintage, Used Clothes

Pretty much everyone has a pile of old, used clothes sitting in their closet, being unloved. While they’re there, all they’re doing is taking up space. Why not sell your secondhand clothes for cash? Think it’s not possible? Think again!

In this article, I’m going to cover the absolute best places to sell vintage, old, used, secondhand clothes for cold hard cash. Ready to get started? Let’s dig in.

Recently, there’s been a boom in online vintage clot6hes sales platforms, and you can take advantage of it. As well as selling your clothes, you’re helping the environment as those clothes aren’t going to landfill. What could be better?

Here are some of the best places to sell clothes online for a cash profit.

13 Best Places To Sell Vintage/Used Clothes

Now that you have clothes to sell, you need to find the right platform to sell them on. Let’s see what’s out there for you.

1. Depop

This is a place that bills itself as a community rather than just a clothes sale app. If you’re really into fashion and want to get into buying or selling, then this is where you need to be.

Everything on Depop is done through the mobile phone app. You’ll take pictures, write a description, and set a price through it.

They don’t charge you to list anything on the app, but they will take a 10% cut of the profits.

It’s a good place to be if you want to follow trends, as you can follow sellers and see what they have for sale. For example, you can sell clothes, hats, and shoes here, as well as art, books, and vintage records.

2. Poshmark

This is one of the most popular selling sites online right now. Through this site, you can sell all kinds of clothes, and if you have any items with designer labels on them, then you’ll do well here.

For example, you’re going to find clothes from a range of designers and labels, such as Louis Vuitton, North Face, Michael Kors, and more. Many people like to shop here, as they can get high-end items for a much better price than in-store.

Again, you can easily sell your items directly through the app. The benefit of using it is that Poshmark takes care of all the financial side of selling.

They’ll send you a pre-paid shipping label and take care of customer service too. So it’s very easy to use this service.

To list an item, it’s a flat $2.95 fee for items under $15 and 20% of the listing price for anything over that.

3. ASOS Marketplace

Do you already shop at ASOS? Then you may have heard of the ASOS Marketplace.

They have created a platform to sell anything vintage or retro and find it a good home. So it’s very simple to set up an account and start selling here.

One of the best things about the site is that they charge less than many other sites on this list. Right now, they only charge 10% of the sale price.

If you’re looking to keep as much profit as possible, this is the place to be.

4. ThredUp

Want to sell your clothes but don’t want to handle the hassle of listing everything yourself? Not a problem.

ThredUp is a site that helps you sell your clothes by handling all the heavy lifting for you. Then, when you’re ready to start selling, they will send you a clean-out bag.

All you have to do is fill that bag with all the clothes that you no longer want. Then, you send that bag back, and they do all the sorting and listing for you.

Once your clothes are sold, you’ll be sent the profit, minus the 20% commission rate they charge.

This is an excellent option if you have a lot of clothes that you need to clear out, as you’ll be able to make the maximum profit with less effort.

5. Tradesy

Tradesy is another selling platform, just like Poshmark, that’s great for name brands. So if you have those name-brand clothes sitting in your closet collecting dust, then you’ll get the best results here.

As well as clothes, you’re able to sell vintage accessories too.

They make it very easy to sell here, as they’ll send you a box (with a pre-paid label) where you can put your clothes in. Then, you just send it out to the buyer.

You can list almost any apparel you can think of, but designer labels sell the best here.

Anything that sells under $50, you’ll be charged a $7.50 fee. If it’s over that, you’ll pay 19.8% of the sale price.

6. Mercari

Mercari is designed for those that love vintage clothes. So if you’ve collected lots of vintage fashion that needs a new home, this is the place to sell it.

This is another mobile app, which makes things very simple when it comes to selling. Just take the pictures, list your price, and you’re done.

When you sell something, you’ll be sent a pre-paid shipping label so you can send items off right away. One of the app’s benefits is that it only charges you 10% of the sale price.

Another benefit is that while they love vintage clothes, you can sell other non-clothing items too.

7. Refashioner

This is the place for you if you have some really valuable or unique vintage clothing that you want to sell. Here, every item has a story, so you can really show buyers what makes your items special.

Here, everything for sale is considered ‘owned’ rather than pre-owned. This is because they really are looking for the most unique items out there.

If you think you have something that fits the bill, then you should look into them.

8. Varagesale

If you’ve ever used Craigslist, then Varagesale is going to look familiar to you. They allow members to sell pretty much anything, and that includes clothes.

One of the benefits of the site is that there are no fees for selling, so you can keep all of the profits. Plus, they work hard to weed out the members who may be less than reputable, making it safer to use.

They have cultivated a real community feel, as they want to create a virtual garage sale that anyone can check out. So if this sounds good to you, check it out.

9. LetGo

LetGo is similar in many ways to VarageSale, as it’s another site that allows for the sale of almost anything. In addition, they bill themselves as a great place to furnish your first apartment, as you can pick up cheap furniture and other household items here.

They’re also a great place to sell clothes, especially since you won’t need to pay a fee to list or sell anything here. Many people do go looking for clothes on the site, so it’s worth considering.

10. OfferUp

OfferUp is another similar site to LetGo and VarageSale, allowing you to sell to someone near you. When shoppers use the app, they’re able to search for sellers near them.

That’s good news for you, as you’ll be able to avoid shipping items. Instead, you can have customers pick up their orders or meet them nearby to deliver them.

You’re not just limited to nearby buyers, though, as there is the option for them to search further afield and find what they’re looking for.

11. Bonanza

If you have a lot of clothes to sell, or you’re looking to get into selling vintage clothes as a side hustle, then this is one of the best places to do it.

On Bonanza, you’ll create your own ‘web store’ to sell all your clothes. They’re a top choice for many sellers, as they’re typically cheaper than big sites like eBay.

They even say they’ll pay all your advertising fees, promising that you don’t pay a thing until you make a sale. There’s a promise that there are no listing fees, no monthly store fees, or any other fees.

Sounds good to you if you’re just looking to get started selling.

12. eBay

This is the one online store you’re bound to know about. If you’ve ever bought anything online, you’ve very likely bought it on eBay.

It’s a good place to sell clothing, as you have such a huge audience. You can customize who you sell to, whether you want to sell within the US or sell globally.

It’s also very easy to start selling here, either through the website or the app. Just take the pictures, create a description, and you can get started.

You have the option of selling the item for a set price or putting it up for auction. If you have something particularly unique, you may want to consider an auction to get the highest price possible.

13. Etsy

Finally, Etsy is an option if you want to sell clothes. While the site is known for handmade items, it’s also a good place to sell vintage clothes.

Like eBay, there’s tons of traffic here, so more people will see the clothes you have up for sale. In addition, there’s a big audience for vintage items on the site, so you’re going to have a lot of success here.

Which clothes can you sell for cash?

Not sure where to start with clearing out your closet? Not a problem?

Firstly, you need to clear out everything you’re no longer using or don’t love anymore. Usually, the KonMari technique will help you here.

Take every item out, and then go through them, one by one. This technique asks you to consider whether the item in your hand sparks joy.

If it does, keep it. If not, toss it on the pile. It’s as simple as that.

Now that you have a ‘sale’ pile, you need to check that they’re in good enough condition to sell. You’re looking for any missing buttons, broken zippers, rips, and tears, that kind of thing.

If the damage is too great, then you’ll need to throw the clothing out. You can make simple repairs if you think the item will sell.

You can also list an item detailing the damage. This is the best course of action if it’s a high-end or designer item.

Sell clothes for cash: Is it a viable side hustle?

Once you’ve cleared out your closet and sold all the clothes on, you’ll see just how easy it is. In fact, many people out there have made themselves a good side hustle out of it.

You can get started by finding stock. One of the best ways to do this is to hit up your local thrift stores and see what’s available.

Look for clothes that are in good condition and will be in demand online. Then, once you bring them home, you can start selling on your platform of choice.

One thing sellers do is use multi-channel selling to maximize their visibility. This is when you list the same item on multiple sites, giving it more chance of selling.

Once you’ve got your foot in the door and have started finding happy customers, you may want to get some infrastructure for your business. Inventory management software is great, as it will help you keep track of what you have and avoid you selling the same item twice by accident.

If you want to take it one step further, you can set up your own online store through a tool like Shopify. This is something to consider once you have your own following.

This works as you won’t pay fees to any platform on the items you sell, meaning you keep more profit. You’ll need to pay for a Shopify store, though, so you’ll need to see what’s the most cost-effective for you.

Now you know just where to sell the clothes that are sat in your closet doing nothing. They can make you a tidy profit, so get your clothes online and sell them for cash right now!

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